Empowering Minds, Nurturing Faith


ISAA Media Statement on Palestine

28th October 2023: Amidst the escalating humanitarian crisis in Palestine, the Islamic Schools Association of Australia strongly condemns the indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure. We firmly support peace, adherence to international law, and the protection of civilian lives.

 The recent events have deeply saddened us. Since October 7, more than 8,000 people have been killed, including over 3,000 children and this number keeps increasing on a daily basis. This dire situation is profoundly affecting our school communities, a significant number of whom have relatives and cherished ones residing in Gaza and the Occupied Territories. The continuous targeting of numerous hospitals, places of worship such as mosques and churches, schools, shelters, and designated safe zones has had a devastating impact.

 We stand in solidarity with the global community in condemning the deliberate and indiscriminate targeting of civilians, including innocent children, women, and the elderly. We also condemn the inhumane occupation of Palestine and the blockade of Gaza’s 2 million residents.

The pain and distress caused by these events extend far beyond the Middle East. Australian Muslims, along with all individuals who value peace, are deeply affected by this violence.

We are very concerned about the recent rise in Islamophobia, and anti[1]Palestinian racism that has infiltrated public discourse. Racism and discrimination is extremely damaging and serves to fracture communities.

We call upon the Australian Government, as well as faith leaders, organisations, and the global community, to demand an immediate ceasefire and the permanent end to the occupation of the Palestinian people. The path to peace is challenging, but it must be pursued with unwavering determination and a deep commitment to justice.

We pray for a future where the suffering of the Palestinian people is alleviated, and where the calls for peace and justice drown out the sounds of violence and hatred.